How Many Steps In A Mile

According to all the available research the average length of a stride is 2.5 feet.(30 inches)

There are 1,760 yards in a mile and therefore 5,280 feet or 63,360 inches. So if you divide 5,280 by 2.5 the answer is 2,112 steps.

2,112 Steps in a Mile On Average

Now that does, of course, assume that your average stride length is 2.5 feet. For those who prefer a metrical calculation there are on average 1,250 steps in a kilometer.

Someone with longer legs will take fewer steps, and someone with shorter legs (like me) will take a few more.

It would be safe to say that 2,000 steps is about a mile in distance, and is a much easier number to remember. I like to keep things simple, and even I can remember that number. 

Another example is if you walked to Alcatraz prison from the shore, that distance is a mile.  Of course, you can’t do that, but…you get the idea.

distance to alcataz one mile

How To Figure Out Your Stride Length Accurately

Now the best place to start is to work out your length of stride.

The easiest way to do this is to stand with your feet together and make a mark on the ground, or set something on the ground.

Then just walk normally for 10 steps and set down another mark where your foot finishes. Have a look at the video below if you want to see that being done.

Measure the distance between with a tape in feet and multiply by 12 to get the number of inches covered.

You then simply divide by 10 to get an accurate stride length in inches.

Just below you will find a table that will convert the stride length into the number of steps per mile.

Steps In A Mile vs Stride Length Calculator

Please note that decimal points have either been rounded up or down where appropriate.

Average Stride Length in Inches Average Number of Steps
24 2,640
25 2,534
26 2,437
27 2,347
28 2,263
29 2,185
30 2,112
31 2,044
32 1,980
33 1,920
34 1,864
35 1,810
36 1,760
37 1,712
38 1,667
39 1,625
40 1,584
41 1,545
42 1,506
43 1,473
44 1,440
45 1,408
46 1,377
47 1,348
48 1,320


How Many Steps In a Mile Calculator

So as you can see the length of your stride can make a significant difference in the number of strides it will take you to complete a walking mile.

  • 2 feet stride length – 2,640 steps
  • 2.5 feet stride length – 2,112 steps
  • 3 feet stride length – 1,760 steps
  • 3.5 feet stride length – 1,506 steps
  • 4 feet stride length – 1,320 steps

It is pretty easy to figure out that taller people will naturally have a longer stride, and simply cover more ground than someone who is shorter.

This is also a good thing to do if you are thinking of buying a pedometer, and want to check it for accuracy.

I have a good friend who is about 6 feet 5 inches tall, and his stride length is about 4 feet.

Mine on the other hand is about 2.5 feet, so yes, I take 2 steps for every one he takes. He also happens to be very fast, so walking with him is like me going for a run.

Difference Between Men and Women’s Length of Stride

There is another method for working out what your stride length should be. There is a difference between men and women and it can be worked out as follows…

length of a women's stride

How Many Steps In a Mile For Women?

Take your height in inches, and multiply that number by 0.413 to determine your ideal stride length.

So if you were 5 feet 1″ tall that would be 61″. Multiply by 0.413 and your stride length should be 25.2″

You can then look at the table above and work out the number of steps to complete a mile.

length of a man's stride

For Men

Take your height in inches, and multiply that number by 0.415 to determine your ideal stride length.

So if you were 5 feet 9″ tall, that would be 69″. Multiply by 0.415 and your stride length should be 28.6″ You can then look at the table above and work out the number of steps to complete a mile.

The interesting thing about this, is that both men and women, depending on their height, should have a perfect length of walking stride.

The reality is that we do not actually follow this.

There are numerous reasons for that. They include things like trailing our feet, having injuries and adopting our walking style, and also being on our feet for long periods of time.

If for example we are overweight, we tend to shorten our stride to maintain balance, and reduce the impact on our knees.  

Even something as simple as walking with our hands in our pockets, can reduce our length of stride.


How Long Does It Take To Walk A Mile?

This will vary depending on the length of your stride and also on your level of fitness.

However to give you a general guide, at a normal walking pace it takes about 17-18 minutes to walk a mile. The average walker will cover about 120 steps each minute.

Now someone who is not a regular walker or does not regularly exercise, may take slightly longer strides initially. As a general rule though, most people should be able to cover 3 miles in an hour.

If you are just starting out as a walker, it is always best to take note of your time, but not stress about it too much.

It will take time to build up the strength in your legs, and also to allow your breathing to adjust.

You will, however, notice your times improving the more you are able to walk. This is known as walking pace.

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Don’t Stress and Enjoy

Walking is all about enjoying the wonderful fresh air. All you really need to do that, is have a good pair of walking shoes.

It does not matter what reason there is that made you decide to try out walking. I don’t think it matters a great deal what distance you cover, or how fast you cover it.

The important thing is, pardon the pun, taking those first few steps and making the commitment to yourself to stick with it.

If you then discover the many benefits that it can bring to you, then is the time to think about distances covered, the time taken to do that, and how many calories you may burn off etc.

For now though, just enjoy the experience. Work out how many steps you need to complete a mile, and take it from there.

best womens trail shoes

How Many Steps In a Mile Jogging or Running?

The same principle applies, in that all you need to do is figure out the stride length which is normally longer that a walking stride would be.

Most people when running, cover an extra few inches.

Again just set up some form of measurement to figure out the stride length in inches, and then divide that as shown above.